C64 128 radio software archive

See the source image

I was for many years the software copier of the Commodore Club for radio users.

Recently (April2021)M0DTS and myself decided to go RETRO and dig the C64 ‘s out of retirement. Why you may ask? For a bit of fun and nostalgia and why not. Searching the web it became apparent that there was next to no software posted anywhere. But there were a lot of posts from like minded people looking for some. It seems there were also others wanting to play Retro.

Luckily I still have the Software collection. So have set about the task of converting the 5 1/4″ floppy disks to image files that can be downloaded on a PC. to be used as files of transferred back to Floppy disks for the retro feel. To do this I’m using a XUM1541 interface to connect the original Commodore 1541 ii floppy drive to the PC. I wish this was possible back in the day as at the height of the C64 there were 4 drives constantly going making copies and taking up an immense amount of my time due to the popularity of this computer with radio Hams.

Over time about 200 radio related floppy’s will be archived here for download. Hope I can find one of the old software lists to save me going through each disk and listing everything hi hi.

In the meantime if there’s a specific radio related program you are looking for. Drop me an email and I’ll do my best to help

Terry G1LPS

Download the disk images here


The download will be added to over time so please check back from time to time . If you do download please drop me an email from the contacts so I can gauge interest.